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Feedback - 2024
Please help me plan a better retreat for 2025!

Let's begin with Graybear!

If you were in the lodge, did you have any issues?
If you were in a cabin did you have any issues?
On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate your experience with the lodging. (5 is the best, 1 is the worst)
Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedSatisfiedVery satisfied
Did you enjoy the food?

Let's talk about the Retreat Experience!

Did you enjoy the offerings?
Did you learn something new?
On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the workshops as a whole:
Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedSatisfiedVery satisfied
Did this year's theme resonate with you? Were you able to connect with Awakening the Priestess Archetype?
Would you recommend this retreat to a friend?

Thank you so much for being part of this year's Retreat! It is my 9th Wise Women Retreat and I am so grateful for you and want to create an even better 2025 experience.

Thanks for submitting!

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