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Beltane Celebration


Thank you!!!!

April 29, 2023

Hosted by Jennifer Harvard


· Kristin Clark

· Leah Benjamin

Embrace the Wild Green Magic of Beltane

Beltane marks the midway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It ushers in summer's return. This day is a celebration of renewal, growth, love, and the peak of fertility. Earth energy is at it's strongest and we come together to honor her in all her glory.  Join your Sisters as we gather to connect with Nature and each other at beautiful Penuel Ridge Retreat Center. Your retreat leader is Jennifer Harvard. The retreat's workshop facilitators are Jennifer and Leah Benjamin. Music will provided by Kristin Clark with seasonal nourishment provided by Leah. Scroll down to read more about these Wise Women and for all of the magic and merriment to come. 

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Nature Calls Us to Celebrate

Date: April 29, 2023


Time:  11:00am to 6:30pm


The Early Bird registration fee is $185 through April 16

(Registration increases to $221 on April 17)


This year's retreat will be held at Penuel Ridge.


Sacred Space, crafting, education and merriment hosted by Jennifer Harvard along with Leah Benjamin and Kristin Clark.


Seasonal nourishment will be offered during the retreat by Leah Benjamin.

Journey, Craft, Learn, Dance and Share

11:00am: Arrival- check in at lodge

11:30: Cross through the portal- opening ceremony

12:30: Weaving dream catchers and honoring the Indigenous Peoples

1:30: Begin Flower Crown Making

2:00: Beltane Nourishment served by Leah Benjamin-Flower Crown Making continues 

3:00: Shamanic Journey to the Land of Fae. Beginning with a song by Kristin Clark

3:30: Growing Forest Bodies workshop with Leah Benjamin

4:30: May Pole Dance

5:30-Fire Ceremony and Speak Around 

Sacred Dreamcatcher Creation with Jennifer Harvard

As we connect with the energy of Beltane we honor the sacred land we walk upon and the Indigenous peoples who came before us.  Jennifer will hold ceremony to pay tribute to the Shawnee tribes as well as the Ojibwa mystical Spider Woman who provided spiritual protection for her tribe by Creating talismans known as dreamcatchers. We will weave our dreams of protection and inspiration with grapevine, moss, feathers, flowers and more.


 A note from Jennifer: Treading Lightly… as much as I can, I try to honor my Celtic Heritage by creating Art that is reflective of my ancestry, but while we are on this Sacred Land we will pay tribute to the Indigenous People who were here long before we were as well as the Ojibwa tribe who created the 1st Dream Catchers. 


In this modern day society and especially in America, we pick up spiritual practices from many other cultures. Yoga is an example. It is what we do with these practices that is so very important. RESPECT. HONOR.PURPOSE 

 Fractalicious Forest Food and Growing Forest Bodies with Leah Benjamin

Beltane is the fire of the sun for purification and fertility. Purification by fire to me is not purification by elimination, but purification in transformation, which alchemically creates the new and unexpected. With this we behold and are held in new relationship for fertility, support, and alliance in creation. In guidance to Become, we will approach the Forest in new connection, merging its senses with ours, and create new supportive bodies for this spell of life together. 

A Musical Jaunt Into the Magick of Faerie
with Kristin Clark

Kristin Clark will share her beautiful music as we journey to the land of Fae. Her   Songs will lift the veil to this Magical World older than time.


commune with like-minded sisters!

take part in the time honored tradition of dancing 'round the maypole and celebrate the joyful magick of spring!

Leah Benjamin is passionate about nourishing you to flourish. Through food, the plant spirits and cosmos are whispering what they want you to know from deep in the earth.  Through feeling and listening, delights are prepared, with dashes of true magic as ideas and sacred honor are imparted, perpetuating creation. 


This food is rich in story, becoming part of your story as you move through the wold with it in your cells and spirit. Local foods are used as much as possible, from hands that loving tend the soil with reverence and reciprocity. 

Workshop Facilitator:
Leah Benjamin

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In my dreams, I hear songs…


and I bring them back to the best of my ability.  In dreams I have traveled through time and through the veils, up the waterfalls and down to the river of mist.  These stories from the dreamtime come to me as songs. Many also come from waking visions and journeys. 


Allowing myself to create in this way, at this late hour, feels as though I have discovered a secret room in my mansion. In this room there is story and poetry and music. There is multi-dimensional travel. There are wise guides and faeries, dragons and mystical journeys. There is dreaming and remembering. There is love and myth and healing and everything that thrills and delights me.  


To share this now after denying it for so long feels like a wild freedom. We are all dream travelers with hidden rooms to discover. We all have these longings in our hearts. I believe that any longing in our hearts is holy. And I have come to understand that to answer and offer them is an act of love.

Music Provided By:
Kristin Clark

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Jennifer Harvard, founder of The Wise Women Full Moon Retreat and The Goddess Craft Market founded Gaia Sisterhood in 2017 as a way for women to gather in a safe and nurturing environment  where they could create, explore and heal. Gaia Sisterhood honors and celebrates the divine in every woman through:


-Annual Wise Women Retreats for those wishing for an immersive experience

-Deep Magic Studies for those wishing to dive deeper into their own work

-Seasonal Wheel of the Year Gatherings for seasoned retreat goers as well as those new to women's spirituality​


Jennifer is Divine Feminine Circle & Retreat Facilitator, Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Healer, Aromatherapist, Breathwork Coach, Priestess of the Sacred Grove, and an artist. Her work of inclusion has opened doors to the work of the Divine Feminine to women from all walks of life. ​She invites you to explore the website or follow her on social media for more information.

Retreat Host and Workshop Facilitator: Jennifer Harvard

Beltane Retreat 2023
Beltane Retreat 2023
Apr 29, 2023, 11:00 AM
Ashland City

Gaia Sisterhood Cancellation Policy:


Life happens and occasionally attendees find themselves needing to cancel. While I will make every attempt to fill your space, my retreats have moving parts that require advance investment from me such as the purchase of food or deposits on space. Due to these things I have adopted the following policy for clarity on cancellations. 


All events are fully refundable up to 30 days in advance. Any cancellations under 30 days prior to the event are eligible for a credit toward another Gaia Sisterhood event.  Cancellations within 7 days prior to any event forfeit all payments. 

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