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When the heart chakra is open, we are open to loving others as well as ourselves unconditionally.

  •  Each Ritual Box contains a Palo Santo Bundle with 2 sticks and dried flowers,
  • Gemstone chakra diffuser bracelet. (Strawberry Quartz aids in heart chakra opening.)
  • One Aromatherapy Blend ( simply rub on wooden diffuser beads on bracelet, directly on Chakra, and on wrists and neck.)
  • Chakra Card with Mantra
  • Chakra Stone to carry with you or place on your altar.
  • Ritual Candle with herbs, essential oils and crystrals (place on your altar or next to your bath while reciting Mantra.)
  • Ritual Bath Salts specific to each Chakra

Heart Chakra Ritual Box

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